News Release : July 11th, 2014 : Gitxsan Evict CN & Loggers; Northern Gateway Challenged (VTC )
Note : Similar Rocky Mountain Cree Nation Declarations & The Kwa'mutsun Nation Stituumatulwut Hwuneem Birth Certificate Redemption.
It is apparent that the great Turtle Islands hegemonic conspiracy has begun to unfold; and, therein, appears a flourish of pronouncements since the SCC Custom Is Law Tsilhqot'in versus British Columbia land title decision - reflecting the universal impact of the Rotterdam Declarations.
as submitted to the UN Security Council in August 2013 was preceded by the rejected warrant upon Elizabeth in 2006 for state-funded legal counsel of choice for Original indigenous Peoples children who are continued abuse and cultural genocide victims of the Crown Canada Indian Residential and Day School. The STT : Sthuy'shen 'Telew T-hw / The Honourable Money House is entrusted with the mission of recovering the Crown Canada Unjust Enrichment.
Posted By +1NEWS CENTRAL Editor : SqYx